
The best way to Spot the 9 Traits of Borderline Character Dysfunction

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Easy methods to Spot the 9 Traits of Borderline Character Dysfunction
How you can , How to Spot the 9 Traits of Borderline Personality Dysfunction , , to5qRLRSS7g , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to5qRLRSS7g , https://i.ytimg.com/vi/to5qRLRSS7g/hqdefault.jpg , 11065683 , 5.00 , Get access to dozens of live workshops with MedCircle psychologists—use the code SAVE50 for half off via the month of ... , 1534710650 , 2018-08-19 22:30:50 , 00:27:29 , UCyGOloOIJWt8NlE4tnejQeA , MedCircle , 216753 , , [vid_tags] , https://www.youtubepp.com/watch?v=to5qRLRSS7g , [ad_2] , [ad_1] , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to5qRLRSS7g, #Spot #Traits #Borderline #Character #Dysfunction [publish_date]
#Spot #Traits #Borderline #Personality #Disorder
Get entry to dozens of reside workshops with MedCircle psychologists—use the code SAVE50 for half off by means of the month of ...
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41 thoughts on “

  1. Does bpd make you lie all the time and only feel good when you are receiving accolades or hurting others? My daughter says she has bpd but she seems more like a narcissist to me. She is only happy if i am serving her in some way (adult child, to be clear) or if she is doing something to cause me pain.

  2. These problems are corrected by believing in Jesus Christ as Savior and giving your ten percent of income in the Church. Your identity is belong To Jesus. The Devil can't get to you. The Bible promises a sound mind and a spirit without fear.

  3. Well, here's my input, if it helps. I'm 53 yrs old. At 45, I ended up in a psychiatric facility on a 72 hr hold, because I had intended on plugging my exhaust up in the mountains one night. That suicide attempt was going to be the one that took. So to speak. I have lived with, (suffered with sounds more realistic)….BPD, complex PTSD, suicide ideation, Reactive Attachment Disorder, deep depression, anxiety, and lately…very, very weird episodes of derealization (different from depersonalization)…which is VERY bizarre to experience. I went into foster care at 13 yrs old, lived in that system until 18. Became a single mother at 19, again at 21, and again at 27, when I was raped by a guy I just started dating. All of my relationships in life are transient, I have no real roots, anywhere. I'm estranged from 2 of my children for reasons never spoken. I always feel alone, and abandoned. It doesn't matter what's rational thought in my mind when emotion takes hold. I was molested and raped from 3 yrs old until 13, by my stepfather, his army buddies, and his brother. Loooooong chapters in my life but to get to the point…..I've been on various meds, nothing ever worked. I've done counseling, nothing ever stuck. After my last suicide attempt, I knew I either had to find a way to live, or die. I found….DBT therapy. I did weekly group sessions, weekly individual, and one hr weekly of stretch yoga sessions. I committed to it fervently, it was arduous, painful, difficult, overwhelming, intense, raw, real, and it helped me save my life, on many levels. What no one tells you about healing work….it's forever. Therapy conclusions don't hand out diplomas and awards to prove completion of a study. Trauma sticks. It doesn't magically dissipate because therapy got involved. Therapy teaches skills and offers tools to manage the symptoms of lingering trauma. It teaches how to create new mental pathways and patterns of thought. Trauma is pervasive. It sneaks back in when we aren't fully aware of our need to manage our minds, consistently. My therapy kept me clean of suicidal thoughts for about 6 years, but they occassionally seem to find a way in sometimes. It's just a very, very, very difficult illness to live with, for all involved. It takes empathy, compassion, understanding, Love….of all involved. We don't mean to be so seemingly off balance and difficult. I can only assure that our torture inside is worse than anyone can fathom. Yesterday, I was deeply, deeply triggered. All night I've been weighing my options, because it really does all feel pointless and humanity is…..toxic. In a flash, my trauma flashbacks of feeling unwanted, misunderstood, burdensome, rejected, abandoned….came in with a vengeance. And, that's the exhausting part of living with this mental illness. It takes so much work, concerted effort, conscious awareness to manage my seemingly irradical responses to feeling unwanted by everyone. It's a full time job on its own. It's debilitating, and the healing never ends. I have better skills these days, and better ability to catch myself mid breakdown, but it still is, and always will be, a dominant part of my life. Mental illness is much more than feeling sad and having a down day, and learning to 'just be happy!'. And sometimes, no one understands this. 😔

  4. Thispsycho is taking hard-wired human behaviours calling them "disorders"….yeah some people ate paranoid. Wtf ..people have problems, that's life…..most of the problemns stem from financial crisis unemployment economic downturns usury debt you name it , the world is fkd up …then this psycho vomes along and blames you for having a personality …F- Off!

  5. Is there a preponderance of illnesses like fibromyalgia or autoimmune issues in people with BPD? Where the body is also 'thin-skinned' and physically 'over-reacts' to stimuli? Thanks 🤗

  6. My sister has this. She was very violent when she was angry. Very emotional and manipulative. Very abusive. Had to cut her off unfortunately as my mental health was not doing well. I went thought a depression. I felt like my sister was dead. These people have inflamation in the brain. My sister's cat scan showed that she had inflamation in the front of the brain. Our upbrining was pretty violent. Domestic abuse. I suspect a lot of people with bpd had violent or truamatic upbringings. I suspect my father had bpd and adhd. She got his bpd. I got his adhd. I know adhd is genetic, but I don't think bpd is?

  7. I believe most people with BPD will have trauma as well. EMDR is very helpful in addressing the trauma so that they can use the DBT. Without some reprocessing of the trauma, the emotional horse can be out of the gate before a person can use the DBT. Their inability to use the DBT during an emotional outburst leads to Anger and self-blame for failing to implement DBT during the episode.

  8. I went to therapy for the first time last week. I had anger issues e abandonment problems for the past 5 years e this is the first time I’m trying to understands what’s going on. I don’t know if I have bpd but a relate to all of them e could not stop crying the whole video. My relashionship ended 5 days ago because of my mood chances e fears. I just want to not feel empty.

  9. If you have been a victim of trauma or abuse, and the resultant low self-esteem you must battle, I would advise staying away from these people. Undiagnosed, the cycle will always end with your getting burned, betrayed or humiliated and wondering how you allowed this to happen AGAIN. I'm sure living with this is hellish. This interview shows the patient as victim of this disorder and dicusses it with compassion from their perspective. However, it does not show the incredible damage these people can do to friends and family. They can be abusive and treacherous, often with no accountability for their actions. Rather than look at themselves, they can betray you in the most hateful and vicious ways and still paint themselves as a victim. Then they'll tell you how much they love you…in spite of all your faults. No thanks. Take care of yourself first. 💌

  10. I never understood the extreme anger and outbursts for being late, sometimes lasting for days, until I discovered what BPD was and realized my ex girlfriend exhibits all the symptoms… Unfortunately I found out she was pregnant a month after I broke up with her and had no idea at the time what BPD was.

    I’ve been living in a perpetual hell for 6 months experiencing “pregnancy hormones” on top of severe BPD outbursts, while being blamed for everything. I’ve been in weekly therapy for 5 months to get the help I need. I have been reading/watching anything and everything I could on BPD to understand it better.

    Please discuss how people can survive and heal from dating someone with BPD. Please!

  11. I have been diagnosed with BPD. The one hallmark symptom I dont relate to is the intense fear of abandonment- can anyone else thats been diagnosed relate to this?

  12. Do people confuse BPD with CPTSD? Because someone suggested i have BPD, but I don't see at the core of it that I am. But I do fear abandonment, but not to the extreme you describe. I feel like my life has showed me that people leave.

  13. Amber Heard to a T.
    But Amber Heard is also a mean person. That is outside of the scope of BPD, she is a criminal.

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